Seeds (2023)
Edizioni Ema Vinci
In order to buy a copy, send us an email.
All the featured composers: Zeno Baldi, Farzia Fallah, Daniela Fantechi, Marco Momi, Lula Romero
Sound engineer: Diego Pugliese
Graphics by Watteo Art
Photo by Claudia Mazza
First Glimpse (2020)
Produced by Ars Spoletium.
The CD can be purchased from the producer website or send us an email. Available also on Spotify, Amazon Music.
All the featured composers:
Stefano Alessandretti, Nicola Straffelini, Andrea Valle, Hugo Vasco Reis, Dan Di Maggio, Raul Masu.
Graphics by Watteo Art
Giorgio Colombo Taccani - Parade (2019)